Just call me…..SHANIQUA!

I love this picture!

I tend to be like the girl in the front seat.   You can call me Shaniqua from now on.  Really, I'm laughing out loud right now because I soooooo get this girl.

Second row - that's kind of like Dennis.  Smiling - laughing - talking through the biggest dip on the ride - maybe even trying to decide where we'll eat lunch when the ride is over.

Back rows - "THIS IS THE BEST RIDE EVERRRRRRR!"  (That was Dennis in younger years.  His dream vacation for us was to hit the top 7 roller coaster rides in America.  Ya…..not happening!  Fortunately, sun and sand and scuba diving won over the dream roller coaster vacation!)

Evidently life is a roller coaster.  The ups and downs and corkscrews - hoping to shake loose anything that is loose - all a part of the ride.   

Today… and the last couple of days …. okay - the last couple of years ….. I have had a deep need and desire for peace.  I don't pray for the roller coaster to stop anymore.  I pray for peace on the roller coaster.  Not church-words peace - real passes any understanding, shouldn't have it, can't make this peace up, kind of peace.  Today (at the dentist) I was telling God, "You are my sole source for peace right now."  (Yep, I'm Shaniqua at the dentist as well as on the roller coaster ride.)

Peace because He stands in the past, the present and the future {all at the same time - so great} and holds on tight to me - and to you.  

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, 
WILL GUARD your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 
Phil. 4:7

I so love that!


dianne kirkwood said…
I love that too dear one.
Joyce Kathleen said…
Extremely great post.
Well written, funny, real...and a great pic, too.
Unknown said…
Jeanette, your beauty and joy of heart are so priceless. Your "peace on the roller coaster" reminded me of a plaque I once saw "Peace - not undisturbed circumstances but undisturbed believing."
Thanks for sharing your life with such honesty, heart and sweetness.

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