Jiggled and rolled...
Ok - so - these pictures of Jack trying to wear my reading glasses have nothing to do with 'jiggling and rolling', but he was so funny with these glasses on I couldn't help but share him! SO FUN!!!!!!!
After my last blog post, I received an email from a long time friend. She was reminding me of when we worked out together at a woman's gym about a million years ago. Part of the regiment of that circuit training included a couple of interesting machines. One involved a belt that you leaned into and it jiggled your....body....at a fairly rapid pace. (In hopes of shaking some of the fat cells loose, evidently.) You sat on the other machine. It wasn't terribly comfortable because it was a series of rollers that spun while you tried to sit on them. (In hopes of beating the celulite loose, evidently.)
I think I have exercise stories like some people have diet stories. Pilates (where I discovered I don't even HAVE a core) - the exercise ball (where I discovered I don't have the balance I thought I had) - hula hoop - kick boxing - eliptical machine - Curves - Slender Lady - walking - running - doing excercise V-E-R-Y slowly - doing excercise very quickly - free weights - not so free weights - the list goes on and on. A quest to find what 'fits' me! Whatever.
You could be asking, "why is she telling me this????" - and rightly so, I guess.
Heb. 12:1 - "...run with persevance the race marked out..."
James 1:3 - "...the testing of your faith develops perseverance..."
Rom. 5:4 - "...perseverance produces character, and character, hope."
In the physical I've looked for exercise that would be the most effective with the least amount of effort. There. I said it. What I'm challenged with is this....do I do that with my relationship with Jesus as well? Do I look for an experience - a spiritual adrenalin rush? Am I content with just hanging out with Jesus and His Word - abiding - doing what He's asked me to do even if it doesn't feel particularly romantic. What if I'm still struggling with things I thought I'd have whipped a LONG time ago? Will I keep going? Will I keep doing the next right thing and trust that spiritual muscles are being built up every day, whether I can see them or not?
2 Peter 1:5 - "...make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance, and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness, love.
For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
I really want to be effective and productive. Let's be spiritual 'work-out' partners!