I stopped at Target today - on my way to a follow-up appointment with the surgeon. After a quick walk-through I headed to my car. Two automatic doors opened for me upon my at a time....dramatically. I heard "ta-dah" music in my head as I walked through the open doors. So easy. I loved that. Made me totally smile.
I got in the car and prayed, "Lord, please open the door like that for me as I try to communicate with this doctor. I need to be courageous and I need to be clear." (These are challenging things for someone who struggles with confrontation.)
Not all the doors in my life open like that. Some take some muscle. Some take some patience, because they are revolving! Some don't open because I'm 'pushing' when I should be 'pulling'. Some don't open because they are locked and bolted shut for now.
The door DID open like that with the doctor. He quickly agreed to what I asked of him. We also talked briefly about the fact that I have a (once severed) working tendon, that was not surgically repaired, but is WHOLE again. 'TA-DAH!!!!!!!' I have a new open door experience. I didn't touch it to open it. I didn't have anything to do with the healing - but GOD DID. I have some work to do to gain back use and strength again - but can I say "TA-DAH!!!!!" too much right now? I don't think so.
Praying for a few more Ta-Da's in your life.
Love ya,
Chief Hippie