2020 - the year I honestly thought we'd be living like the Jetsons. Flying around in our space cars. Having our meals happen instantly. Every house having a robot maid named Rosie. No one is overweight or has bad hair days.
BUT, I'm still washing floors and scrubbing toilets and riding in a car with wheels on the ground and trying to figure out what to make for dinner with no help from "Rosie"
Instead - 2020 started out with head lice (which Dennis really enjoyed being a part of. He takes that little metal comb very seriously). And, then - a series of infections in and around my eyes, a reaction to the antibiotic drops.... I can go into more detail if you want, but you don't, so I won't.
Expectations. They have two sides.
"Without a vision, the people parish" - Prov 29:18
One side is the need for expectation and vision and standing on Promises. And ultimately, as Jesus Followers, our expectations are anchored in the Eternal.
The other side is - unfulfilled expectations. Unfulfilled expectations (not dealt with) can lead to anger and depression and a constant sense of 'waiting for the other shoe to drop' - which is a yucky place to live.
Expectations not built on Truth - expectations that indicate that we think we're in control - expectations of people that are reflective of our own brokenness - those expectations will suck the joy & hope right out of you and I.
One of my fav 'expectation' scriptures...
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us! " ~Ephesians 3:20
(That is my 'expectation' scripture for today...the day I had another eye surgery.)
Father, help us to look and listen for Your voice with expectation. Help us to expect the Holy Spirit to be powerful - in, through and around us...everyday. I know that I can trust You, and am sure that You are able to safely guard all that I have given You until the day of Your return. (2 Tim 1:12).
Thank You that my hope and expectation is in You. In Jesus Name I am honored to pray. Amen.
P.S. Please help me decide what to make for dinner. Amen. :-)
Meet George Jetson - His boy, Elroy
- daughter, Judy, Jane - his wife
(theme song is running through my head)
Their dog's name is Astro
Instead - 2020 started out with head lice (which Dennis really enjoyed being a part of. He takes that little metal comb very seriously). And, then - a series of infections in and around my eyes, a reaction to the antibiotic drops.... I can go into more detail if you want, but you don't, so I won't.
Expectations. They have two sides.
"Without a vision, the people parish" - Prov 29:18
One side is the need for expectation and vision and standing on Promises. And ultimately, as Jesus Followers, our expectations are anchored in the Eternal.
The other side is - unfulfilled expectations. Unfulfilled expectations (not dealt with) can lead to anger and depression and a constant sense of 'waiting for the other shoe to drop' - which is a yucky place to live.
Expectations not built on Truth - expectations that indicate that we think we're in control - expectations of people that are reflective of our own brokenness - those expectations will suck the joy & hope right out of you and I.
One of my fav 'expectation' scriptures...
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us! " ~Ephesians 3:20
(That is my 'expectation' scripture for today...the day I had another eye surgery.)
Father, help us to look and listen for Your voice with expectation. Help us to expect the Holy Spirit to be powerful - in, through and around us...everyday. I know that I can trust You, and am sure that You are able to safely guard all that I have given You until the day of Your return. (2 Tim 1:12).
Thank You that my hope and expectation is in You. In Jesus Name I am honored to pray. Amen.
P.S. Please help me decide what to make for dinner. Amen. :-)