2020 - the year I honestly thought we'd be living like the Jetsons. Flying around in our space cars. Having our meals happen instantly. Every house having a robot maid named Rosie. No one is overweight or has bad hair days. Meet George Jetson - His boy, Elroy - daughter, Judy, Jane - his wife (theme song is running through my head) Their dog's name is Astro BUT, I'm still washing floors and scrubbing toilets and riding in a car with wheels on the ground and trying to figure out what to make for dinner with no help from "Rosie" Instead - 2020 started out with head lice (which Dennis really enjoyed being a part of. He takes that little metal comb very seriously). And, then - a series of infections in and around my eyes, a reaction to the antibiotic drops.... I can go into more detail if you want, but you don't, so I won't. Expectations. They have two sides. "Without a vision, the people parish" - Prov 29:1...