
I can't honestly remember who I heard this bit of wisdom from originally, but the thought of it is so strongly in my mind I'm going to try to share it...

Know when you're vulnerable.  Be aware of what makes your heart and mind wander - of what makes your texts or social media posts or conversations sound short, abrupt or snarky.

Know when you should not make huge decisions, or when the thoughts you are rehearsing in your mind are not TRUTH, even though they might make sense at the moment - or, feel very real.

The easy pattern that I'm thinking about right now is - H.A.L.T.

If you're feeling that snippy, snarky, stinky attitude creeping in, ask yourself...

~am I Hungry?
~am I Angry?
~am I Lonely?
~am I Tired?

These are basic needs that your body, emotions and spirit will be effected by.

Of course, you know I'm going to say - "LOOK UP!"  Lean into God, instead of leaning away from Him when you feel stinky.  Let His heart fill your heart.

But, really - if you're hungry, please drink water and eat protein of some kind -  see if that helps life look brighter.  God won't do that for you - He trusts you to eat good stuff that fuels the physical.

If you're angry, write out you're unfulfilled expectations.  Do what you can to bring resolution.  After you write it all out - let it go.  (It's ok if you have to do this over and over!)

What about loneliness...well, I find that doing something for someone else is an answer.  Not expecting them to fill your loneliness, but really doing something for someone else  (without strings attached) answers a cry in our heart.  Listening, without having to fix or share our 'but, listen to this' story is such a gift to someone else.  And it can fill us as well.

Weariness is a very vulnerable place.  Taking moments in our day to stop and take deep breaths can be tiny gifts of rest.  If life's circumstances just seem to steal your joy and add to your weariness, try handing your whole life...or a part of your life that you are so worried about...over to the loving hands of our God...just for a day or a week.  Just say, "Ok, God, You hold this for me today.  I'm taking a break from carrying this - just for today or just for this week."  Could be the start of something big.

If you need sleep, then for Pete's sake, go to bed instead of binge watching Netflix!  :-)  I know it can be more complicated than that, but, we need to do what we CAN do to get more sleep, if sleep is lacking.

I offer you these thoughts as a friend on the journey we're doing together.  I offer these thoughts because anyone that continually finds themselves in a drought in one or more of these four areas can easily lose hope.  Hope, my friend, is the immune system of the soul.  Without hope, all kinds of toxic stuff can move in.

So I pray....Father, I thank you for the person who is reading this blog right now.  I thank you that you show us practical answers, wise changes.  I thank you that you are Truth.  Please help us, by the power of the Holy Spirit to walk in Truth - to find freedom in Truth.  Bind up the brokenhearted, in the Name of Jesus.  Bring sacred, refreshing, restoring rest to the weary.  I pray the Your Presence will fill and give divine direction to the lonely.  Thank you that you are huge.  Please reveal your hugeness to us in a personal, tangible, unique way...today.   Amen.


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