
Showing posts from December, 2019


I can't honestly remember who I heard this bit of wisdom from originally, but the thought of it is so strongly in my mind I'm going to try to share it... Know when you're vulnerable.  Be aware of what makes your heart and mind wander - of what makes your texts or social media posts or conversations sound short, abrupt or snarky. Know when you should not make huge decisions, or when the thoughts you are rehearsing in your mind are not TRUTH, even though they might make sense at the moment - or, feel very real. The easy pattern that I'm thinking about right now is - H.A.L.T. If you're feeling that snippy, snarky, stinky attitude creeping in, ask yourself... ~am I H ungry? ~am I A ngry? ~am I L onely? ~am I T ired? These are basic needs that your body, emotions and spirit will be effected by. Of course, you know I'm going to say - "LOOK UP!"  Lean into God, instead of leaning away from Him when you feel stinky.  Let His heart fill your he...