I had what I call a 'stunning' experience this morning during our church service.
I've been navigating life with a fractured elbow and some craziness in my wrist. This morning I had difficulty with really yucky pain striking like lightening from my elbow through my fingers if I tried to hold almost anything. It was a discouraging situation.
As we began to sing together (in church) I reminded myself (and God) that I had promised to worship Him with whatever strength and ability I have. I lifted one hand and sang as loud as I could because....that's who I want to be...a worshiper out of abundance or sacrifice.
We have a special friend in our church family who has a kind of dementia that impacts children. This friend is large and strong and losing most of what she has learned in her short (teenage) life.
She came up and stood by me as we sang. Then she came over and put her arm around me (gently) and asked what happened to me. She said that she felt sad for me. She stood there - with one arm gently around me and the other gently circling my other arm. Then she asked where my family is (she has now forgotten who Dennis is). I pointed to where Dennis was standing and she (gently) pulled me to him and him to me. She looked at him and said that he needed to pray for me. She pulled us both close as Dennis began to pray.
She then went and got a bottle of anointing oil and gave it to Dennis and pointed to me. He anointed me and prayed again. She returned the little bottle, nodded, and went and sat down by her mom.
I'm not sure what exactly happened during this experience. At this moment there is still some pain, but it doesn't really make any difference. Such a sense of holiness happened - I hope I am never able to think of this day without a sense of awe. (Tears are making it hard to see the computer screen and I am very aware that I am not expressing adequately the hug - the touch of heaven that I received today.)
A sacred moment can come from very unexpected sources.
Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. Ps. 8:2
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matt. 19:14
Two things stand out to me...
One was that it was important that I just showed up today. The pain was intense. I was super discouraged. I REALLY wanted to stay home. I did not come to church today because I'm the pastor's wife. I came because I'm a Jesus follower, and Jesus said to gather with other Jesus followers. Sometimes just showing up is a big step. (I am NOT talking legalism here - I'm talking obedience - and that is very different.)
The second thought that stands out is the simplicity of believing Jesus. The simplicity of obedience that might not make sense but has profound effect in the life of someone else. The simplicity of being okay with not always understanding, but always believing in the goodness and mercy and love and unbelievably beautiful gift of being His.
Father, I pray for a sacred moment for my friend reading this right now. I pray for a Divine Embrace that covers and comforts and heals and speaks Life and clarity and encouragement where there is discouragement or fog or pain. Thank you that we are Yours. Help us to never lose the wonder of You.
In the Name of Jesus of Nazareth I pray,
I've been navigating life with a fractured elbow and some craziness in my wrist. This morning I had difficulty with really yucky pain striking like lightening from my elbow through my fingers if I tried to hold almost anything. It was a discouraging situation.
As we began to sing together (in church) I reminded myself (and God) that I had promised to worship Him with whatever strength and ability I have. I lifted one hand and sang as loud as I could because....that's who I want to be...a worshiper out of abundance or sacrifice.
We have a special friend in our church family who has a kind of dementia that impacts children. This friend is large and strong and losing most of what she has learned in her short (teenage) life.
She came up and stood by me as we sang. Then she came over and put her arm around me (gently) and asked what happened to me. She said that she felt sad for me. She stood there - with one arm gently around me and the other gently circling my other arm. Then she asked where my family is (she has now forgotten who Dennis is). I pointed to where Dennis was standing and she (gently) pulled me to him and him to me. She looked at him and said that he needed to pray for me. She pulled us both close as Dennis began to pray.
She then went and got a bottle of anointing oil and gave it to Dennis and pointed to me. He anointed me and prayed again. She returned the little bottle, nodded, and went and sat down by her mom.
I'm not sure what exactly happened during this experience. At this moment there is still some pain, but it doesn't really make any difference. Such a sense of holiness happened - I hope I am never able to think of this day without a sense of awe. (Tears are making it hard to see the computer screen and I am very aware that I am not expressing adequately the hug - the touch of heaven that I received today.)
A sacred moment can come from very unexpected sources.
Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. Ps. 8:2
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matt. 19:14
Two things stand out to me...
One was that it was important that I just showed up today. The pain was intense. I was super discouraged. I REALLY wanted to stay home. I did not come to church today because I'm the pastor's wife. I came because I'm a Jesus follower, and Jesus said to gather with other Jesus followers. Sometimes just showing up is a big step. (I am NOT talking legalism here - I'm talking obedience - and that is very different.)
The second thought that stands out is the simplicity of believing Jesus. The simplicity of obedience that might not make sense but has profound effect in the life of someone else. The simplicity of being okay with not always understanding, but always believing in the goodness and mercy and love and unbelievably beautiful gift of being His.
Father, I pray for a sacred moment for my friend reading this right now. I pray for a Divine Embrace that covers and comforts and heals and speaks Life and clarity and encouragement where there is discouragement or fog or pain. Thank you that we are Yours. Help us to never lose the wonder of You.
In the Name of Jesus of Nazareth I pray,