Just call me…..SHANIQUA!
I love this picture! I tend to be like the girl in the front seat. You can call me Shaniqua from now on. Really, I'm laughing out loud right now because I soooooo get this girl. Second row - that's kind of like Dennis. Smiling - laughing - talking through the biggest dip on the ride - maybe even trying to decide where we'll eat lunch when the ride is over. Back rows - "THIS IS THE BEST RIDE EVERRRRRRR!" (That was Dennis in younger years. His dream vacation for us was to hit the top 7 roller coaster rides in America. Ya…..not happening! Fortunately, sun and sand and scuba diving won over the dream roller coaster vacation!) Evidently life is a roller coaster. The ups and downs and corkscrews - hoping to shake loose anything that is loose - all a part of the ride. Today… and the last couple of days …. okay - the last couple of years ….. I have had a deep need and desire for peace. I don't pray for ...