Train Track Living
What an interesting Easter. I have never, ever felt the journey of life on train tracks like the last few weeks...the last few days, especially.
Life on the train tracks means - sorrow and joy traveling together, at the same time.
One year at our Elder's Retreat, we all hopped a train to have dinner and enjoy the ride for the evening. There were some weird sounds, grinds, creaks .... and an unexpected whistle stop. The track had buckled, so the train was unable to proceed forward. We had literally been in a train wreck! We ate our dinner, waited for information and tried to be mature.
Have you ever felt like that? Life is cruisin', and then there's an unexpected stop. So, you eat dinner, wait for information and try to be mature!
Today is Maggie Mae's 3rd birthday. It has also turned out to be Troy Martin's home going date. Joy and sorrow traveling together. I love that Troy is whole and happy - I just thought we needed this wonderful man here with us for a whole lot longer - whole and happy!
This is a "trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding"day for me.
The track on one side seems buckled - it has caused the people on the train to wait on Him, the incredibly great conductor of the journey.
God give Troy's family a supernatural outpouring from heaven.
The other side of the train track for me was being with our family this weekend.
Celebrating Great-grandma Webber and Maggie Mae's 'same date' birthdays...
Finding Easter eggs - over and over and over again...
Playing and playing and playing....
Sharing pizza and hugs and laughs and competition (!) and really, really, really good memories.
Thank you, Jesus, that You showed us the joy and sorrow mix. "For the joy set before You, You endured the cross." You get it - how hard it is to be human. Please give joy and strength and courage and peace and comfort and revelation where it is needed today.
I thank You that You help us with every moment of every day.
I offer this with love....Jeanette