Signs of my times...

Yesterday was a ... funny day. I went to bed feeling fine, I woke up with one eye absolutely glued shut. Strange. It was the last day of moving my parents from one home to another - and I REALLY needed to be there. So, I put on my really cool sun glasses, made a doctor appointment and headed out for the day. Got the peeps going that were helping with the final loads of the move, went to the doc and found out I had a bacterial infection - - - and continued on with the day.

At some point I looked down at my feet. I had similar but not matching flip-flops on, and hadn't noticed it till the afternoon. I'm not super sharp when it comes to accessorizing, but even I know that one should wear matching shoes.

Today, still can't wear make-up because of the infection. (Please understand that any make-up I wear only brings me up to the "she looks like she cares" level - never the "glamorous" level.) So now I don't look like I care AND I look super tired. Perfect. And, I forgot earrings (which seemed important today, for some reason) - and, I'm really thinking that this shirt doesn't go with my pants like I thought it did this morning when I was looking at it with my one good eye. But the day goes on!

I have a scripture hanging by my desk that says this - "She will have no fear of bad news; her heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Her heart is secure, she will have no fear; in the end she will look in triumph on her foes." Ps. 112:7-8

I really and truly want to be the "she" in these verses... but ... when the phone rings, I find myself dreading what I'll heart feels torn up in little tiny pieces...and for the life of me I can't figure out what God is doing!

What I am praying at this very moment is that I WILL LOOK WITH TRIUMPH ON MY FOES - even if it's with my one good eye!

Love and blessing and peace and wisdom and a stirring of faith to you today!!!!


Anonymous said…
So in Psalm 97, it says He preserves the life of His saints. Light is sown for the righteous and strewn along their pathway. I love this! I just see this beautiful path with flowers along the sides and tiny twinkle lights all over the ground lighting the way as we go on our way. He's in control and He preserves us, even when we can't quite see perfectly that we've got 2 different flip flops on and our makeup is a little off kilter! We can still keep going in faith because we just follow the twinkle lights.
Unknown said…
Just now stumbled on your blog...
This morning in my journal I logged a list of negative feelings, sort of a debriefing before our Father. As with an airplane that goes into a stall, it's better to nose down and dive than try to climb when you're losing speed, so I let it all out and began to remember who I am in Christ, and this is what I wrote:
Your eye is on the sparrow.
You feed us by hand, each of us individually.
You stir the embers, breathe on the coals, bring life & fire to our hearts.
You never leave us nor forsake us.
Your love never fails.
/ \
Unknown said…
Hi Jeanette-
This isn't a comment for publication, just a note to say "Hi", and to say I think I didn't quite 'connect' with my comment. In my morning journal sometimes I just pour out all the feelings of inadequacy and self-disappointment until He says 'Can I say something?' And I realize that all things DO work together for our good, and that there is no less painful way to become like Him, than the way He's taking us. As I thank Him for the despair, confusion, discouragement I'm experiencing, He always encourages, strengthens and comforts me. Thank you for your incredible openness, honesty and transparency. Because of Jesus, Steve Dinkowitz

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