Hair On My Face Lesson #1
So, you know from previous bloggings that I am somewhat trouble by the random hair that sometimes grows on my face. No one really warned me about this phenomenon so I am left to face it on my own! There is one hair on my jaw that is growing slowly - it's there enough that I feel drawn to fool with it during the day, but it's not long enough to....successfully rid myself of it. I need to let it grow a little longer! weird. My grandmother had a whisker issue. I remember trying to kiss her good-bye but avoid getting stuck with the whiskers on her chin. (I am laughing right now at the strength and strangeness of that memory!) A couple of my grandkids are coming to spend the night tonight - I REALLY don't want my random facial hair to scare them, or be what is a stand out memory!!!! This morning I was thinking - what can I learn from this stupid hair on my jaw???? Here's what I came up with...timing. Timing is really important in life. We want...