
Showing posts from September, 2010

Hair On My Face Lesson #1

So, you know from previous bloggings that I am somewhat trouble by the random hair that sometimes grows on my face. No one really warned me about this phenomenon so I am left to face it on my own! There is one hair on my jaw that is growing slowly - it's there enough that I feel drawn to fool with it during the day, but it's not long enough to....successfully rid myself of it. I need to let it grow a little longer! weird. My grandmother had a whisker issue. I remember trying to kiss her good-bye but avoid getting stuck with the whiskers on her chin. (I am laughing right now at the strength and strangeness of that memory!) A couple of my grandkids are coming to spend the night tonight - I REALLY don't want my random facial hair to scare them, or be what is a stand out memory!!!! This morning I was thinking - what can I learn from this stupid hair on my jaw???? Here's what I came up with...timing. Timing is really important in life. We want...

Time Out!

I had an unusual "family fix" during Labor Day weekend. All the little Webbers were at our house (ok, AND their parents - except Heidi). So much fun. So much energy. Danita brought squirt bottles for the boys to play with. There was one main rule - no squirting in the face! I love optimism!!!!! We learned the principle, "you tend to shoot where you're lookin'!" That's a lesson we learn in all kinds of areas....we tend to steer where we're lookin' .... we tend to eat what we're lookin' at ... you know how it goes! So, are you looking at what you REALLY WANT to be aimed at???? Are your meditations leading you to a place full of Life? Or, is your mental focus on what's happening around you that you wish wasn't, or what COULD happen that you wish wouldn't? You probably know where I'm going with this - FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS. (Heb. 12:2) As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. (Prov. 23:) Be intentional about what...