
Showing posts from 2010

Secret Place

Thank you to all who have been praying for my nephew who had emergency brain surgery this week. I am grateful for your encouragement in standing with our family. He survived a very long surgery and at this point I'm not sure what his journey holds, but, I'm counting on the One who holds him! I'm very stuck on Ps. 91...He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge, my Fortress, My God in whom I trust. To my dear friend who lost a baby this week - - - to my precious one who is facing such challenges both mentally and physically - - - to my friend who is processing such hard things with her daughter - - - to my lovely friend who experienced miraculous VICTORY in her heart surgery, (and, many, many more precious people) ...I find myself praying in the spirit and breathing Ps 91 over and over and over again over you all. I am seeking out the secret place for myself as well as others. He...


I am struck today with gratefulness. It's for something that won't matter in eternity but is such a gift from heaven for me! I can play the piano while I worship. Couldn't do that for 2 years because of the severed tendons deal. This is the first Thanksgiving that I can play without the damaged nerve firing in anger back at me at every attempt. Last Thanksgiving I sat in defiance of the circumstances and tried to play anyway. That wasn't all that fun! Every day this week I've sat down and sang and worshiped, and sang some more - just for the fun of it. Oh My God, I thank You! Thank you for handing back to me what You had given me in the first place. Thank you. I look around me in anticipation and expectation of what You'll do next. You bless us when we don't expect it and don't deserve it. Please surprise someone this very moment with Your blessing, Your provision, Your healing, Your peace. THANK YOU, Abba - Fath...

How's Your Mailbox?

We were gone most of last week, so, Dennis asked that our mail be held and then delivered on Saturday. Usually, it is put on our front porch after being held - but not this time. This time it was JAMMED into our little security mailbox cubby. Magazines and CATALOGS (it's the season) and a package and a bunch of regular mail all jammed into a little box. I had to undo it like a puzzle - one piece at a time to get it out. Sometimes my life feels that way. Things get 'delivered', one after the hot water yesterday, NO water today, 3 more families going through the process of the loss of loved ones, our kids facing challenging decisions that you want to make all better but know you can't...those kind of 'deliveries'. I've learned I have to unload whatever is delivered EVERY DAY. I need to take it to the Father EVERY DAY. If I'm too busy to take it to the Father, then I'm too busy...because I'm not built for all this all the time. I...

Higher Ground

I have a gift - at least I'm choosing to see it as a gift! Random songs will pop up in my head, for no obvious reason. I was humming something in the car last week and Dennis asked me, "what is that song you are humming?" And...I didn't know - until this morning. It was the theme song from the old Dick Van Dyke Show. Hello. Who has a brain that spits out random old-school TV show themes. What is that a sign of? Anyway...another song has popped up and stuck in my brain as well as my heart - and that one is worth sharing with you... I'm pressing on the upward way, new heights I'm gaining every day! Still praying as I onward bound, "Lord, plant my feet on higher ground" Lord, lift me up and let me stand, by faith, on heaven's tableland A higher plane than I have found, Lord, plant my feet on higher ground. (Here's my favorite verse...) My heart has no desire to stay - where doubts arise and fears dismay tho' some may dwell where the...

Be strong, be strong, be strong...

This weekend we got to watch two of our grandkids. It was the first time for this experience and we were extremely jazzed about it. Of course, there was the Pregnancy Care Center Galas (Thursday night and Friday night)....and two funerals on Saturday, but, we did TRY to clear what we could. I didn't lead worship, etc... So here's the deal - it's a stretching season for me. Learning how to care for my elderly parents has been tougher emotionally than I could have imagined. This week's challenge - how to get a wheelchair in and out of my Honda civic's trunk. (Thanks to a wonderful friend who met me at 2 doctor's offices, it was accomplished!) I find a vulnerable place in my heart and mind when it comes to the questions, 'what's the next step, the next day, the next phone call going to bring?' So, back to the kiddos. They arrived, and it became very apparent that the 3 year old was......sick. The next day brought 103 temp. He was really, really ...

His eye is on the ... frog ...

"His eye is on the sparrow....and I KNOW He watches me." Ok, so I haven't taken a picture of a sparrow yet - I have this one of a little frog in one of our roses. He let the frog rest in a rose, for heaven's sake. It's fun AND it's sobering. So, now my song is..."His eye is on the fro-og...and I KNOW He watches me." For some reason, the prayer that I am praying for my lovely Parkway sisters this morning is this - "Lord, show them Your provision for them. Show them that You have not left them to walk alone - that is a lie of the enemy. Show them Your love. Help them rest today in a rose. If You'll do that for a frog, You will surely do it for your daughters. Be revolutionary in their lives!!!!!!!" Amen ♥

Hair On My Face Lesson #1

So, you know from previous bloggings that I am somewhat trouble by the random hair that sometimes grows on my face. No one really warned me about this phenomenon so I am left to face it on my own! There is one hair on my jaw that is growing slowly - it's there enough that I feel drawn to fool with it during the day, but it's not long enough to....successfully rid myself of it. I need to let it grow a little longer! weird. My grandmother had a whisker issue. I remember trying to kiss her good-bye but avoid getting stuck with the whiskers on her chin. (I am laughing right now at the strength and strangeness of that memory!) A couple of my grandkids are coming to spend the night tonight - I REALLY don't want my random facial hair to scare them, or be what is a stand out memory!!!! This morning I was thinking - what can I learn from this stupid hair on my jaw???? Here's what I came up with...timing. Timing is really important in life. We want...

Time Out!

I had an unusual "family fix" during Labor Day weekend. All the little Webbers were at our house (ok, AND their parents - except Heidi). So much fun. So much energy. Danita brought squirt bottles for the boys to play with. There was one main rule - no squirting in the face! I love optimism!!!!! We learned the principle, "you tend to shoot where you're lookin'!" That's a lesson we learn in all kinds of areas....we tend to steer where we're lookin' .... we tend to eat what we're lookin' at ... you know how it goes! So, are you looking at what you REALLY WANT to be aimed at???? Are your meditations leading you to a place full of Life? Or, is your mental focus on what's happening around you that you wish wasn't, or what COULD happen that you wish wouldn't? You probably know where I'm going with this - FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS. (Heb. 12:2) As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. (Prov. 23:) Be intentional about what...

Please help me float when I'm all freaked out...

I have never been a good swimmer. Didn't have lessons. Just didn't swim much in our family. These last couple of weeks remind me of what I feel like when I'm in the deep end of the pool, or trying to enjoy the ocean when waves are knocking me around. Not so relaxing. It struck me this morning how many times I've heard about people rescuing another who is struggling in water, only to find themselves in trouble. There are wisdom rules in a rescue operation. I'm trying to learn those 'wisdom rules'. Many hours in a doctor's office, in ER, in my parents home trying to help them navigate the things that have happened. Deep end of the pool time. There have been a few times in the last couple of weeks that one line from a song (I must have heard a long time ago) would float through my mind. "Be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side." Didn't know any more of the song than that, and that was...something to hang on to. I guess when you th...

"I cried to the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all of my fears."

So, I had a break-through thought this morning - at least it was to me. I have been praying about - no, begging God - to help me concerning something that makes my heart HURT. Hurt, like, over and over again. Hurt, like, you think you've dealt with something and don't think about it during the day but wake up thinking about it in the early morning hours so it's been stirring around in the back of your mind somewhere. That kind of hurt. Thought that forgiveness was settled. Didn't know what to do next. Felt like it was chained to my heart and I couldn't find the clasp to disconnect it. HELP ME, JESUS. This is what I felt like I heard this morning, on the way to church. It seems that I have been waiting for human words to come and heal my heart. In some deep place, I have been expecting someone to call or come in some way, say the right words and my heart would be healed. Healing from a human. What I heard was, "I will heal your broken heart. Not th...

Victory Lap

We just got home from a little vacation time. We spent 5 days in Mexico with our long-time friends, the Plunketts. 5 years ago we went with them to Mexico as well. But, that year, Lynne was in the middle of a major battle with cancer. Some of you might remember that I stayed with her to help with her care for several weeks. (This picture was from our trip 5 years ago.) This time, five years later, she is cancer free. Hallelujah! We didn't really do anything super-spectacular, but everyday was a victory day. She made it through such hurtles and is still here to tell about it! Yep, everyday I loved just looking at her - and smiling. 5 years ago we stayed in a room that had a view of the ocean. This year, not so much. Our view was of....the building next door. But, the ocean was still out there - we just couldn't see it from the space we occupied. I could walk to the end of the hall and look out, or go down the stairs and out the building...walking with the purpose of...


Have you ever gone an extended amount of time and all of the sudden realized, "I've been holding my breath all morning!" (Or - all day, or all month, or...all year.) That's hard on a body to do, and sometimes we don't even realize we are doing it. I've been praying in an unique way this week, for those He's given me to care for (specifically) in His Kingdom. I hear myself praying, "Please let them breath in You. Let them take DEEP breaths of Your presence and Your love and Your provision and Your joy. Help them to let go of what holds them fearful or anxious - and breath." You don't have to GO somewhere to get a breather. LOOK UP! Look up and listen for His voice - His words, His love, His song. Take time to look around - the mountains around us, the sky above us, the flowers growing, the smile of a child - even a child you don't know - can give a breather to your heart. Let Him renew your strength today - don't forget to breat...

Christy Nockels - Healing is in Your hands


It's Monday again! Let me begin by saying that when I call myself a 'dork' it is an affectionate term, ok? It is such a laugh-out-loud dork morning for me. We have these 4 grandkids - everyone knows that by now. Our house is prepared for any of those grandkids to come and visit at any time. (Remember the 2 moving boxes of Geotrax that I bought on Craigslist???) Anyway, one of the grandboys loves the cars from the movie 'Cars' - so we have a few. There's a little guy named Guido (I think) who helps repair cars in the movie, and we own one of those. The little drill came off the little guy so I needed to glue it back on....with superglue. Tiny little toy, tinier little drill, superglue + trying to fix it. Got the picture? Of course, the superglue runs down the tiny toy and down 3 of my fingers. With superglue you really shouldn't try to wipe it off with the other hand, because it's SUPERGLUE. (As I'm trying to unstick my superglued fi...

Today is Monday...

Today is Monday. My brain really needs to WORK on Mondays and that's not always the case. But, my heart worked today and I'm pretty excited about that. I needed to accomplish some stuff having to do with my parents. Insurance stuff, communication regarding what looks like an upcoming surgery for my father. STUFF. In my devotions this morning I simply asked that I would be aware of My Heavenly Father's favor today. I'm of the strong opinion that God does things for us all the time, but we don't 'get it'. We don't see it. It just doesn't register as from Him. So, Lord, please let Your blessings REGISTER with me. One of my errands (after being with my folks) was to talk to someone at U.S. Cellular about my smart phone. (sigh) My smart phone is really smart - I can rarely get an answer to my challenges with it. But, today...while I was of the employees started asking (in a very loud voice) - "WHO HAS THE BLACK HONDA CIVIC?...
Thoughts and conversations that I've had this week... ~Supposedly my ears and my nose will continue to grow until I die. Not that happy about the thought. ~When the woman who colors my hair warns me that the color will be 'richer' this time, it means that it's going to be darker enough that people will comment on my new hair color. ~When did the holes in my earlobes stretch????? Looks like I've been prepping for a plug look. Really? My earlobes are stretching out and going south? Really? ~I tried to medically advocate for my elderly mom this week in a very challenging environment - to the point that I started crying. I dislike my gift of tears. The whole experience made me sad. It's hard to see your parents decline and not be able to fix things for them. ~I missed our grandson's 3rd birthday party today because of our schedule - couldn't fit in 6 hours of driving today. He'll have a blast. I am sad at missing his moment. One thing I love a...

Costume Jewelry

Yesterday I was wearing one of my favorite necklaces. It's a funky chain with a key hanging from it. It caught on something and the chain just pulled apart. I tried to put the links back together with my teeth doesn't look so good. It was a cheap buy, that I really liked. It didn't withstand pressure. I felt like I heard His voice - "Learn from this. It's costume jewelry. It's not quality, it's not tried by fire - it was inexpensive for a reason." My response - "But, I really, really liked it!" His response - "You got what you paid for." Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Perseverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-3 Please hear that God sees your faithfulness and obedience in the face of difficulties. What the fire of your circumstance is doing...

Today's Meditation...

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and no not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:12


I had another 'intervention' with myself today! (Yes, this is not my first invention - I'm hard enough on myself that no one else has to gather a group to help me see my problems!!!!) I was looking at the pictures from Tilly's birth day. (Tilly Marie - 9lbs 4 oz - 21 1/2 inches long - arrived easily and without trauma - which is a total, total answer to prayer.) You'd think that her safe arrival would be all that would fill my mind when I looked at those pictures, wouldn't you??? But no. I saw....a wrinkled face and a gi-normous nose and the start of - - - jowls - - - and a double chin. OH MY STARS! If you can see past my nose you'll find a BABY in that picture. Our little Tilly who snuggled right into my chest like she already knew how much I love her is beautiful - but how would I cut myself out of that picture - and when did all that drooping happen???? Thus the intervention...I evidently didn't absorb as much as I thought from the "So Lo...
What a time we had this weekend - 300,000 women participating in the Beth Moore Simulcast. Our church was one of the venues and was filled with spectacular women from different churches and different towns. Women who came together to learn from, and worship - JESUS! Wow. One thing that will stick with me was the lack of grouchiness. The spirit in the room was joyful and sweet and filled my heart with hope. The enemy loves us to be critical or arrogant or offended. Something powerful happens when we choose to love and serve and forgive. I am praying that what we learned will put down roots and grow strong - and that we will grow strong together . A huge THANK YOU to all who volunteered to help. And, thank you to all who came - I'm so glad you did!


On our vacation we went to see a well known ocean blow-hole. It was in all the info books. Tour buses were stopped to see it. People were set up to sell all kinds of junk to help you remember that you came to see the famous blow-hole. Along the path where many, many people were walking was a mama hen....covering her baby chicks....protecting them from the approaching storm. People were hurrying to get to their cars or buses before rain hit. And there, in the middle of the storm - in the middle of people racing to see something they hoped would be really impressive - was this hen covering her chicks. I'm afraid in our desire to see or experience something 'really impressive' spiritually, we can miss His covering, His peace, His provision. I'm afraid that we sometimes miss His covering because we're too busy chirping at Him about the storm! Stop for just a moment right now and experience His covering - His wings that want to bring you close to Him. Ps. 91:4 He...


Just want to say I'm grateful. Grateful that the wounds that Jesus took on His body paid the price so that my body could be healed. My heart could be healed. My mind could be transformed. I took pictures of my wrist so that I could show the restored tendon. The surgeon did not find it and reconnect it but the Great Physician did. Another picture shows that tendon more clearly, but this picture stopped reminded me so much of His wounds - taken so that I could be restored - body, soul, spirit - restored. He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,and by His wounds we are healed. Is. 53:5


Today I'll talk a little more about the hike I blogged about last time... Initially, there's a place to view the ocean that's pretty easy access. A paved path, hand rails, handicap access. Someone else did a lot of work so that others could just come in and enjoy the view. When you take the hike to the higher vantage point, you leave the easy access. Every once in awhile there's clearing and you can look back to see how far you've come - you can see the look-out with people standing there. Probably 45 minutes into our hike fog started to develop. It collected quickly around the place of easy access. Those people simply could not see the view any longer. By the time we headed back down the path, fog had filled where beautiful view had been several hours before. My heart was sad as I watched the fog envelop those reminded me of the Church. Someone goes before us and experiences God (the View). Tries to make it as accessible as possible for others to ...

Aha! vs. Yikes!

We arrive in Kauai... Aha! We can watch the whales do their thing from the porch of the cabin we're staying in! Yikes! We are not just staying on a missile base, but a missile RANGE. For some reason that one word startled me. We decide to hike... Aha! Spectacular views of the ocean every once in awhile from 3500 feet! Yikes! The hike is more like climbing on slippery rocks, or climbing your way up a mountain with the help of roots and tree limbs. (What has slowed me down in the past from taking these kind of hikes is the fact you do have to COME BACK DOWN after you climb UP somewhere.) Aha-ha! The two men I was hiking with slipped and fell, and I DIDN'T FALL! I didn't fall!!!! Those of you who know me know that this is somewhat of a miracle. Usually my story goes something like, "and then I hit my head or broke some bizzare bone or cut myself in some freakish way", but not this time! Yippee! (They weren't hurt - but their faces as they suddenly land...

Terrible Two's?

There was a popular book out awhile ago that was titled, "All I Really Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten". When I get to spend time with our two two year old grandsons, it makes me think that we all learn a lot at the two year old stage. The learning curve - how to share, how to express feelings appropriately, how to handle ourselves when life isn't fair, how to be polite, how to stand up for oneself in a healthy manner, how to enjoy life and toys and laughter and singing and play and love - lots and lots to learn. And we learn at different paces. It doesn't make one wrong and one right - it just means we're different people. Oscar is a 'peddler', and Jack is a 'runner'. At this point Jack does not want to learn to peddle - he gets off the trike and runs. But Oscar loves to peddle. We caught one moment of uniqueness in play. Oscar peddled and Jack stood on the back deck of the trike and hung on cuz Oscar loves to peddle fast! Jack l...


Ok - so - the picture doesn't really have anything to do with what I'm going to write about! It's just so fun! Oscar figured out how to suction the rubber duck to the side of his face. That's just fun. From my heart to yours today are these thoughts from Psalms 112 - - Happy are those who fear the Lord. yes, happy are those who delight in doing what He commands. When darkness overtakes the godly, light will come BURSTING IN. They are generous, compassionate, and righteous. Such people will not be overcome by evil circumstances. They do not fear bad news: they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly. It's time to exchange fearFULL with fearLESS!


It has been RAINING today. It was RAINING last night. BIG, GIANT DROPS. The kind that soaked clear through my clothes when I ran to the car after church. I didn't think I needed a coat today because.....I live in Oregon and we know how to do rain very well. But these were big, fat drops that soaked me! I love the sound of rain - really and truly. (Actually, I love the sound of water - waterfalls, ocean, white water river sounds...but today it's about rain.) It's an amazing sound. I understand that big, fat drops of rain don't soak in as well as the gentle stuff. The gentle stuff tends to soak down to the roots of trees - and big, fat drops tend to run off the top. I know you don't want to read another sentence about how much I like - no, I love rain, but I do. Today I have found myself crying out for rain in this valley - BIG, GIANT DROPS THAT DRENCH US - the Presence of God kind of rain. I love that the Holy Spirit gives us times to soak so that our ...

The Prize

I've still been thinking about the carousel. I absolutely understand that life is more of a race/marathon than a merry-go-round BUT...sometimes it FEELS like a merry-go-round. This picture was taken while the carousel was in motion (so it's blurry) - but - if you look carefully (you can click on the picture to make it bigger) you'll see a woman in the background. She rode the entire time we were there. She reached out and grabbed those little rings you can catch - as often as possible. There were no prizes involved - she just loved collecting as many rings as she could. I'm choosing to believe that she just loved the whole riding adventure, and found it fun to gain victory over each ring she grabbed.... But sadly, it reminds me of people going round and round - gaining and accumulating and collecting and achieving - that which gains no prize at the end. The Bible says that our lives will be like a big pile of stuff (my translation) and it'll be torched to se...


What does a carousel really look like from a 2 year old's perspective? We say, "Ride Bucky - it'll be fun!" What does the child think? Jack has mixed feelings about Bucky. Kind of a love/hate relationship. He sees the potential for fun but isn't that thrilled yet with the actual ride. He's got a great dad who's standing right next to him and holding on to him - but the horse keeps going up and down and the carousel keeps going round and round and round. It seems to be going too fast to really be able to focus on something or someone outside the carousel. I hear Andrew say, "Watch for Grammie..." - but too soon the opportunity to see me is gone. He gets glimps of things but it's pretty choppy. Do you ever feel that way? I'm on the horse going up and down and round and round, it's hard to get perspective of what's going on in the whole park! What Jack CAN hear and CAN see is his father standing right next to ...
I've been reading people's 'status' postings on Facebook. New Year's Resolutions - incredible promises from the Word - even promises to not make any New Year's resolutions! Instead of some fun, whoo-hoo thought or verse - you know those great ones that absolutely keep us going - this is what I land on... Ps 95:10 - "Forty years long was I grieved and disgusted with that generation, and I said, It is a people that do err in their hearts, and they do not APPROVE, acknowledge, or regard My ways..." You can walk into a room and acknowledge someone's presence without approving of them. It's not enough to just BELIEVE that God exists - believe that 'He is in the room'. He is asking you and I to regard Him (honor, obey, listen, learn His ways) AND approve His ways. Here is the challenge I think I heard from the Holy Spirit..."You acknowledge Me, You regard Me, but do you approve of My ways?" We've walked through some very, ve...