Are we having fun?
We are getting to see family of some sort for 4 weekends in a row. That is just amazingly fun.
Look at these little smiley faces! Don't they make you smile just looking at them? Oh my stars.
I haven't made it out of the 'can't believe how much this still hurts' zone after the surgery quite yet. Last night my mind was searching for whatever is '*true and *honest and *just and *pure and *lovely and of *good report'. I needed to direct my thoughts - where should my mind land in the middle of all of this pain. *Philippians tells us what to think on.......the Holy Spirit promises to be the Comfort we need....and Jesus says that He'll never leave us or forsake us - ever.
I'm just reminding us all the we don't usually need help remembering pain, but, remembering the good stuff is what will bring us Life and strength. Purposefully remember something or someone that makes you smile right now. And, thank God for that person or that experience that makes you smile.
"Count your many blessings, name them one by one - and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!"