Be careful what you pray - you might get what you ask for!
For several years we did a drive through light display on the
property at Parkway. THOUSANDS of cars drove through - more than I dreamed of. The message was simple - "I AM the Light of the World"..... It was an extreme example of the church pulling together to literally show Jesus to the community. I loved it. I loved the joy that people displayed as they put in hours of work to set up, and then take take down the thousands and thousands of lights.
For 4 years I prayed that we would have a live camel in the nativity scene. "Oh God" (I cried) - "how incredible that would be - how life like and fun for the kids and unique to southern Oregon". Please God - oh, please, please, please (etc....etc...etc...)
So one year, we found a camel. He couldn't work on Friday nights cuz he was Seventh Day Adventist - but he could work every other night of the week. Yay! Hallelujah!
Until we actually experienced the real camel. He was ornery - was subject to an upset stomach - went 'No. 1' like a hose turned on full strength (right next to Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus).
He spit on me once (in front of people that I was explaining the miracle of having a live camel to).
The only one who could calm him down was Dennis. We'd call Dennis to come, and that camel would get close to him and lay his face next to Dennis' face, or wrap his lips around his nose like he was kissing him. (I'll admit that that was my very favorite part.) You should have seen Dennis' face. Oh my stars!
I'll admit to hearing laughter from heaven as I watched this camel relieving himself in front of our guests every night. "You ASKED for this, Jeanette! - I'm giving you what you BEGGED Me for!"
So, I guess I pray a little differently after this experience. Sometimes I think I know what I want, or what would make God look really, really good. The reality is I don't have the full perspective and sometimes when God says, 'no', it's for a very, very, very good reason that we just can't see.
I deeply want to stand in agreement with what God wants - what His will is on earth as it is in heaven - and not ask Him to stand in agreement with what I want and what my will is. Father, show me - remind me how to pray with abandon, "Thy Kingdom come, They will be done - on earth as it is in heaven!' - even if I think I have a wonderful idea for Him!
(Be sure to click on the the camel picture to enlarge it - you don't want to miss his smile!)