
Showing posts from November, 2020


  Let's laugh ... My jeans have side effects from thighs wore out the material with their friction when I WALK.  So....I looked in my sewing box (yes I own one - 43 years old!)...and found some denim iron-on patches!  I inherited them from someone, so I was pleasantly surprised.  Maybe I'll get some more wear out of these jeans.  Seems simple, right?  Cut a patch, iron it on, and the magic happens.  How long does one iron a patch for?  Well, I guess I go by smell.  lolol.  (Evidently I sew like I cook! "What's that smell?  Oops - over done!" lololol.)  I bet no one will notice the iron shaped brown design between my legs.  Whatever.  🤷🏻‍♀️ Let's sing ... Let's pray ... Father,  Thank You that we belong to You!  Thank You that You are powerful and loving and merciful AND righteous.  Thank You that You are our provider and healer and deliverer and joy-bringer.  Thank You that we can lean...