What to Grab in an Emergency Evacuation
I have learned a couple of things from the recent, unprecedented wild fires that surrounded our valley - as well as a great deal of the west coast. Here's an official list of things to focus on... But, besides this "get you started" list of things to think about, I found a couple of surprises as we sheltered evacuees last month. Maybe keep an extra pair of underwear in your car. People who left with just the clothes on their back talked about this dilemma (after about 3 days!). And, when you are donating underwear, new is super appreciated! Imagine having all that you own destroyed, and looking through donated items (not all, but much of which were things the donor would never wear in a million years). The feeling of "this is good enough for you cuz you don't have anything" is not a nurturing, encouraging feeling. The look in one women's eyes when we found a package of new underwear - just her size - was really, really great! And, then we found...