
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Mystery Box

Do you ever wonder why? I do. I thought when I got this ancient I wouldn't wonder anymore - I'd KNOW.  But, I still wonder....why....what....why not...? I've been in the middle of a lot of people with all kinds of pain, and I get stuck there sometimes. Here's a couple of lighter "why" moments - A tree in a storm blows down and takes our fence and electrical cords down with it.  But, the tree next to it stands tall (until the tree guy comes and cuts it down, along with 3 other trees).  One tree, among other trees, falls in the storm.   I'm ironing shirts.  Noel thinks a shirt hanging on a door means that Dennis is coming home.  She just sits there...for a long time...staring at the shirt...waiting for him to appear.  Or, maybe she is just amazed that I actually ironed.   These are little "whys" compared to others I toss heavenward.   Last week I found a journal entry that I had written right after my mom died. ...