
Showing posts from 2017

Walking in the Dark

Psalm 139:11 & 12 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You. I have never been a fan of darkness or night.  The cause of that is not the subject of this blog - I just want you to understand the depth that I love the Light of God, the Hand of God, the Presence of God that never gets blocked out by darkness. Almost two weeks ago,  I  experienced invasive eye surgery.  It was not elective.  If I wanted to keep my eyesight I would need to trust someone to punch a couple of holes in my eye and do some work. The surgery seemed to go well, but I've had a perfect storm of complications as I've tried to recovery. I won't load your backpack with details - the thing I'm thinking about tonight is how weird it's been to spend the last two weeks with eyes that longed for dark.  Little outside light, ...

Firework Oreos?

Ok - I'll admit it....I love Oreos.  Yes, I hear some of you gag at the thought, and you're even thinking about 'unfriending' me because a person who likes Oreos can't possibly love Jesus.  But - - - there it is.  It might be because we had 0 to teeny bits of sugar and fat growing up in our home.  I had hot lunch at school and no bagged lunch.  (Oh to have experienced a Twinkie.) I went decades (sigh) without an Oreo.  Decades. Then, one magical day a little over two years ago I ate an Oreo.  Processed.  Fake chocolate.  Who knows what 'cream' filling.   There's fake lemon that is so fun.  There are thin Oreos and double stuffed Oreos.  Birthday cake.  Filling that tastes like Peeps (didn't try that one). I generally can't have them in my home because they really aren't the kind of food I'm trying to eat these days, but...a friend gave me a package of open Firework Oreos because...we have grandkids.  That ...

Wonder Woman

Confession time...I think (without knowing it) I've always thought I would grow up to be Wonder Women. There would be a day when I'd have long flowing hair with just the right amount of wave to look great when the breeze blows while I'm sitting on the beach. I would have a waist, and a core - and maybe not a six-pack but at least a belly that doesn't slide around. My thighs wouldn't rub together when I walk - sometimes even making my shorts ride up.  Really, there's no graceful way to pull shorts down once the inseam side has scrunched up.  Brutal. (What is that yellow thing hanging from her side?  Maybe a scarf she can wear 5 different ways so she doesn't need to carry luggage?) It's an image in my head.  I have not seen the movie or read her autobiography - I just have an image. That image told me that someday (if I prayed long enough and tried hard enough)  I could fix everything and everyone that had need.  Always, ALWAYS with Jesus -...

You Are Held

About a million years ago, we tried to adopt a little two year old girl.  Her momma dropped her off at the church office and said she didn't want her anymore, and that we could have her as long as we didn't dress her in pink(!) She was very independent because her survival had depended on it.  I remember walking up the stairs with her and trying to hold her hand but she wouldn't let me.  She just kept saying, "ME do it, ME do it."  She wanted to hold on to my finger.  The challenge came when she slipped and let go to catch her self.  She didn't see how my holding on to HER would be so much more secure then her holding on  to my finger. (It was an emotional rollercoaster adoption attempt, as many are.  It was complicated, with {addicted} relatives involved who took her and hid her.  The good part is that she is a survivor of brain cancer [age four], and eventually was able to be adopted by a family where she had other sisters & is very...

That's My King Dr. S.M. Lockridge -


The Mystery Box

Do you ever wonder why? I do. I thought when I got this ancient I wouldn't wonder anymore - I'd KNOW.  But, I still wonder....why....what....why not...? I've been in the middle of a lot of people with all kinds of pain, and I get stuck there sometimes. Here's a couple of lighter "why" moments - A tree in a storm blows down and takes our fence and electrical cords down with it.  But, the tree next to it stands tall (until the tree guy comes and cuts it down, along with 3 other trees).  One tree, among other trees, falls in the storm.   I'm ironing shirts.  Noel thinks a shirt hanging on a door means that Dennis is coming home.  She just sits there...for a long time...staring at the shirt...waiting for him to appear.  Or, maybe she is just amazed that I actually ironed.   These are little "whys" compared to others I toss heavenward.   Last week I found a journal entry that I had written right after my mom died. ...

Zach Williams - Chain Breaker (Official Music Video)




Sticky Statements

Sticky Statements are things I've heard or read that I want to stick with me. Get ready for random... "Pride begs us to believe it all depends on us." -A friend "Gratefulness activates peace." -Some body "My Grammie is so nice." -A song sung by our granddaughter while shopping for hot dogs (kosher) "That was then and this is now." -My counselor   (Then and Now don't HAVE to be connected) The sentence, "You can pick up your bag of poop at our house now" is not the kind of sticky statement I should have sent to the wrong cell number.   (It was REINDEER poop which is really, really good stuff that one of my friends makes and people fight over.) "Worry is really an offspring of fear, and fear will paralyze our faith!" -Dr. Larry Hutton "Resisting God's promises will make us forget God's presence." "Don't get so consumed by and focused on the mess - the feeling of rejection, ...