
Showing posts from September, 2016

Clean the ...

So - This morning I cleaned out 2 closets, finished a worship set of songs for next Sunday's time together, spent time with a serviceman from Sears who can't fix our refrigerator until NEXT Thursday because he needs to order parts (it's been broken since last Thursday), cleaned the snack drawer, did laundry, had devotions, tried to catch up on email and email junk elimination - all before 10:30 AM.     When I am feel stressed, I clean.   I don't eat junk - I feel like I'm drowning if I do 'deep breathing', so ... I clean.  (No, I will not come over and 'de-stress' at your house!  Ha!) This afternoon I dropped off 5 bags of stuff at the Goodwill, and some stuff at the dry cleaners (ugh) for Dennis.   How could this possibly be encouraging to you?   Well, while I was making those huge decisions about keeping and donating and throwing away - there was a still, small voice saying, "clean out the hidden places".   Hm...