"Hero" is a strong word. It conjures up superman-like images, superman-like strength, and also an awesome ability to fly. In real life, a hero looks much differently. In real life, a hero steps up to do the small things that others don't have time for, don't see how it advances them personally, don't want to get involved with because it's too messy or painful or seems unworthy of their time. Luke 16:10 - "One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much." We practice with the littles of life. I have been saddened to see fellow believers in the Kingdom of God be very willing to celebrate and dance, but not so willing to kneel. I don't think you can truly dance until you've truly knelt. I watch people say that being a warrior with authority is what we should all be - but sometimes they are not men or women of their word, of faithfulness, of consist...