Beat a path to praise - Jodi Detrick
I rarely just pass on someone else's work, but here's a timely word ... I love this .... February 25, 2016 / Jodi Detrick / Faith , Praise Somehow, through the thicket of despair and the snarled undergrowth of discouragement–even though thorns of doubt snag your soul and cause you to bleed resentment at the unfairness of it all, beat a path to praise. G rab the sturdy handle of your will fixed to the razor-sharp scythe of this truth: God’s eye is on you and His sustaining love will bear up your weary heart. Beat a path to praise. Cut through the briars of crazy circumstances, stomp down the poison-weed of thes e whispered lies: you’re not good enough or important enough for God to help…you brought this on yourself, so just deal with it…no one cares; you’re all alone in your confusion. It’s time to whack away at self-pity and the mental amen-ing of enemy deception. Though it takes all you have left, beat a path to praise. ...