
Showing posts from January, 2016

Gifting Laughter

This morning I was suppose to go in for a (fasting) blood test.  I know this, because I was hungry last night.  Unfortunately, I woke up 3 minutes after I was actually suppose to be at the lab.  So - I jumped up, and imediately had a honkin' leg cramp in my calf.  Really?  Cheese and crackers -  that hurt.  You'll be glad to hear that I put on clothes, put on a hat because my hair looked really bad and headed out. Had the test.  Ouch.  But successful.  Getting blood work done is always a challenge.  I have had people get angry at me because they couldn't find a vein and I guess it was my fault.  Whatever. It reminded me of one of the trips I took to this same lab with my mom.  It was early in the "she needs a wheelchair" days and the wheel chair I found at the lab was for a VERY large person....and I couldn't figure out how to lock down the legs.  So her hamstrings got a good stretch that day.  Yikes.  I...

In the Silence

Hosea 2:14-15 Therefore, behold, I will allure her (Israel) and bring her into the wilderness,  and I will speak tenderly and to her heart.   There I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor (troubling) to be for her a door of hope and expectation .  And s he shall sing there and respond as in the days of her youth and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt.   Life is weird.  I get that God doesn't think it's weird, but honestly, I do.  It will be nice when we get to heaven and see how all the pieces fit together, but for now we hold each piece and treat it as an invaluable part of the whole puzzle.  Even when it doesn't look like it fits ANYWHERE. The thing that helps me the most with this puzzling life is to hear from God.  That settles my heart. So....what if God is silent.  What if God seems to be sharing grand things with "everyone else", but with you it seems...silent.  What then? M...