My Nose is on Fire
Long, long ago in a far away place...we used to use VHS tape to record events. We'd use those tapes, and then tape from the copy of the tape. Basically, you'd see the quality of the recording go down with each generation of copies. Yes, it was a loooong time ago. I remember one time I sat down to watch a Christmas Extravaganza that the music department had worked hard at presenting. When you direct something like that, you don't get the whole picture - so I sat down (by myself) to watch the taped results of months of work and rehearsal and sweat and prayer. You know what I remember about that tape? Every time the camera was focused on my face, my nose looked like a flame was coming out of the tip of it. My nose looked like a Bic lighter. That's all I remember - large nose - fire coming out of said nose! The quality of the repeated copying had made this phenomenon happen. Super great. Don't remember a single song - just that...