White Elephants
I think I'll send this picture out as our Christmas photo card this year. It's a white elephant I got at a white elephant gift exchange this last week. I.love.it. It was one of those gift exchanges where you can steal what someone else has (unless it's been stolen 2 times previously - in which case the gift is frozen and no longer available to steal. [Yes, sing "Let It Go" right now!] NOTHING says Merry Christmas like a party where you get to steal a gift that you REALLY wanted that someone else has!) In this case, my friend ( Mark Swanburg ) who opened this literal white elephant was more than glad to let me have it. I loved that someone ( Andy Frye ) brought it in the first place - plus - I really like elephants so it was a win for me! Sometimes our anticipation of something being great turns out to be less than great. I prayed four years for a live camel to be a part of our living nativity scene at the church. When it...