
Showing posts from November, 2014


Is. 54:13 - All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace. I think that the picture of all the parents, grandparents and mentors standing in the front of the church today with kids of all ages to sing, "You Make Me Brave" and "Never Let Go", will stay in my heart for a very long time.  It opened up heaven over us in a way that will impact the eternity of someone. To hear those who have already walked farther down the journey sing, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" - with such strength - over the generations shook something in the Kingdom of darkness today. Of this I am sure. The thing that the enemy wants to steal the very most is our faith.  Young - old - he wants to steal our faith - kill our faith - destroy our faith.  Our joy?  Yep.  Our body?  Sure.  Our marriage?  Yes.  But most of all OUR FAITH. We must see his strategy and refuse to fall for it.  PUSH BACK. The scripture at the top of th...

The joy of losing teeth.....

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..... We've been losing teeth in the Webber family lately.  ( We're talking about the little Webbers right now! )  There's such joy in the baby teeth coming out - and the new, bigger, permanent teeth moving into their spaces. Change and loss doesn't always bring joy and excitement and tooth fairy feelings. But we can KNOW that His plans for us are for good and not for evil - to give us a future and a hope. Loss often makes way for what's new and more powerful .   So.... Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding...      We hand our baby teeth to the "tooth fairy" hoping to get SOMETHING tucked under our pillow in return.  The tooth fairy is a flea compared to the Magnificience of our God.  Hand God what's gripped in your hand.  There's something powerful coming.

Anybody need a haircut?

Life is like railroad tracks - challenging things running right along side of beautiful things.  I've been asking God to help me hear and see - really hear and really see in my heart - the blessing...the beautiful....more than hearing and seeing the negative ... the heartbreak ... the pain. Here's what came to mind - The last time I gave one of our sons a hair cut... I was using these big household scissors, and really watching that I was cutting straight along the back hairline.  What I wasn't watching was the tip of the scissors.  I cut his hair straight but caught the back of his ear with the tip of the scissors.  I remember blood, and the "I can't believe you'd do that to me" look in my son's eyes.  Oops. When Dennis started wearing his hair shorter I thought we could save some money if I learned to use the clippers and did it myself.  He is a very patient man - so encouraging.  He said it looked, "fine".  We tried this experience...