
Showing posts from June, 2014

Black Buggers (Boogers)

Yes, today I am going to be talking about buggers.  Really - someone has to!  Ha! Buggers began being a bigger part of my conversation after we started having children.  I'd look down and see a finger up a nose hole at very inconvenient times.  I'd have to answer, "what color is the stuff coming out of their nose" questions at the doctor's office.  Clear was good.  Yellow - not alarming.  Green - time to see a doc.  Red - something is lose that shouldn't be.  Brown - sign of lots of time outside…brown caused the most laughs around our house….yes, there was some comparing.  We have two sons! Yesterday, my nose hairs were stiff and my buggers were black.  The answer… Serve Grants Pass.  Dennis and I ended up with black spray paint duty - for over 3 hours.  Yes, I wore a mask indoors - but then we moved outdoors because of the fumes.  Outdoors.  90 degrees - with an occasional breeze.  Eventually the mask ...

"Are you someone famous?"

This weekend the best church family in the world ( Parkway ) did something for our family ( the Webbers ) that we will never forget.  They celebrated with us (our 20th anniversary of being lead pastors here at Parkway).  They enjoyed our family.  They enjoyed our friends that aren't usually in the building (either physically or by video) - people they didn't know but loved anyway because we love them.  Thank you for every thought, every prayer, every word, every well-kept secret plan and preparation.   Thank you for filling our adult sons with your love - and letting our little Webbers be little (they LOVED the streamers shot out of the cannon).  Thank you! Monday, four generations of Webbers did the jet boat trip down the Rogue River - a first with little Webbers.  We did the shorter trip and had a blast (although I was counting on great-grandpa getting a little wetter than he did…)! After the trip, there was a gentleman who seemed to alw...