When the smoke clears.....
We've had major forrest fires in So Oregon. Most caused by lightning strikes. The smoke is not expected to clear for weeks as it looks now. What WILL it look like - when the smoke clears? Have you ever been in a season where you knew that God was working deep, and strong inside the core of who you are - but you can't really see what He's up to? You just know that something is happening... You are aware of the circumstances that are providing this opportunity of change... You know that it's in His control, not yours... In the past you've even prayed that He would clean away the stuff that keeps His image from being seen clearly in your life.... Holy fire... The Native Americans used to set fires on purpose to burn away low growth and slash, that if allowed to stay in the forest would be fuel that would eventually cause extreme damage to the forrest. That forrest management style meant that trees grew tall and str...