Yes, I steam-cleaned my face...
Tonight seemed like a good night to check in - blogging style. I'm in an interesting place in the journey. I want to be encouraging and honoring and fun and a few other seems easier to express what I am not. This week I am reminded that I am not a good cook. Last night, Dennis asked me why my face was red and glowing. The reason - I snuck a peek at some potatoes roasting in a 450* oven and evidently the steam from that hot of an oven can burn your face. In my case, my nose proceeds my other facial features so much that it attracted most of the action. I would not recommend steam-cleaning your face. Tonight, all I have to say is...there is a big difference (evidently) between 3 tablespoons of flour, and 2 teaspoons of flour when you are making a sauce. My eyes simply skipped a line on the recipe list of ingredients - I missed one stinkin' line - and magically I have now made some sort of instant paste instead of sauce. ...