
Showing posts from November, 2011

With my whole heart...

“Let all that I am praise the LORD; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.” Psalms 103:1 (NLT) It's Thanksgiving. It's not anything like what I would dream of. We were given some hours of reprieve from the hospital because of the generosity of some unbelievably kind friends. Thank you. I am trying to SING LOUDER because it angers the enemy of my soul who delights in stealing, killing and destroying. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart....the God who breathes life and hope and healing and comfort.

Choose joy...

Come as a little child. What does that really mean? 24 hours ago I was sitting with a lovely sister as she passed from this life to the next. The process was intense but the actual moment was peaceful. I have been pretty useless today. I did not attend a graveside service for someone I knew years ago at noon, and didn't go with Dennis to a memorial service tonight. I am absolutely thrilled for those who get to spend eternity with their Maker, but the lose on this side of heaven is hard. These days I hear this call, "CHOOSE JOY!" Really? In the middle of my parents' struggle? In the middle of walking with a grieving family who have experienced several family members who have passed in recent months? When I read or hear people's comments about the one I'm one with? Really? One thing that Maggie does is something I guess I need to do. Put on my butterfly wings, and choose joy. Trust my Father. Allow myself to be loved. Laugh outloud. Maggie's ...