
Showing posts from May, 2011


I don't like I.V.'s that don't go in right, or bedpans, or drugs that don't work on me so there's no "I don't care" place to occupy. Can you tell I was in a hospital yesterday? The project was to look at and fix my heart. The week of Mother's Day I had a conversation about the gravity of my possible heart problems that totally caught me off guard. The evidence from the test taken showed big problems, and yesterday was THE DAY. Check in at 5:30am. Groovy! I LOVE the view from a helicopter. The beauty of waterfalls and canyons and landscape and glaciers from the sky has taken my breath away. It's my mind's "happy place". But, yesterday I struggled to occupy my happy place. The unknown people, the unknown equipment, the unknown future was a struggle for me. I'm not sure you are going to like this, or even get what I'm trying to say right now it goes.... God loves me even when I'm afraid. He loves m...

Pray Without Cussing...

The recent Women's Weekend that Parkway offered included a lovely special gift from God. Jody Detrick. She came and shared God's heart with us in so many ways. It's funny what sticks with you, isn't it? She shared a story about a child who had worked on learning a memory verse in a church that she and her husband served. The verse was suppose to be, "Pray without ceasing." When this little one came up to recite it to Jody's husband he said, "Pray without cussing." SO CLOSE! Really, this is not the only thing that I will remember that Jody said - BUT - in the craziness of the last 3 weeks, I will admit to have remembered (and applied) this new version of this verse to my own life! Blessings on your day, your strength, your heart and your prayers!