
Showing posts from February, 2011

Hail To The King with Lyrics by Shannon Wexelberg


Please lead the way...

If you were at Parkway today you already know that my heart is hungry for our children to know what true worship is, and that they become true worshipers. I long for them to know in their heart of hearts that the Song of the Lord is like no other! I LOVE that the youth come down to the altar to lead the way in worship, with abandon and without shame. I love to see them take a position that will effect the realm we cannot see. We have the elementary kids in the worship service. I LOVE that. I love the generations worshiping together. But, are the taller people leading the way in passion for Jesus? We spent some time this week with our family. One day (while it was pouring down rain outside) we went to the gym to RUN and throw the balls and exercise. The pictures you see are of Maggie imitating Heidi's exercise moves. So cute, and so sobering to me. I am in no way saying that anyone can be perfect. We are all on a journey. The Word asks us to worship in Spirit and in Truth...

You HAVE to laugh...

So, here's the deal. I am a woman, I am a pastor's wife, I am over 50. All those things should add up to experience and expertise. I think I keep expecting the older woman who has been to a bizillion potlucks to be ABLE TO COOK!!!! Really, come ON! Today's adventure... I need to take a dessert to an event tonight. Let me remind you that last time I took a cake to care group I have managed to turn the 'glaze' into 'hard cement candy' (that doesn't melt if you try to melt it with your blow dryer, by the way). SO, I'm going to try another cake. First, after adding 4 eggs to the mixing bowls, the rest of the eggs fell off the counter - that is not a pretty sight! Next, cook the cake...seemed to do ok with that. Next - - - the dreaded FROSTING. Trying a different frosting this time. Only.....evidently one must wait for the cake to cool more than 15 minutes. Really? I have things to do. The cake was cooked in a tube pan so it's very conven...

What I learned from "Dirty Jobs"

Something has just stuck in my mind, so I"m going to share it with you! By now you have figured out that God teaches me things in very strange ways - - so get ready - - My husband really likes the TV show called "Dirty Jobs". It involves a host who goes and experiences people's occupations that are dirty or just down right strange. One show involved something having to do with decaying animal meat. It evidently was very aromatic because Mike (the host) was struggling with nausea. The employees there suggested that if he smiled really big it would help with the nausea. Really? Now, I don't know the science behind this - but, there might be a principle that I need to pay attention to. Do I smile when I'm walking through stinky circumstances? Or, do I frown and make sure that the people around me really understand how stinky my circumstances are? I think the more I rehearse to myself or others how stinky life is, the more life increases in stinkiness! ...